Book Update: The Balmorie Novellas should be available on Kobo shortly, and I'm working on getting them onto iTunes as well.
Thanks a bunch to everyone for checking out the site and the books! The first book, MAD ABOUT PLAID, is very near and dear. I wrote the original story back in 2003 -- of course then it had a different title, was under a different name, was a full length novel, and had paranormal elements. It was rejected by agents and publishers over and over. Honestly, it was no where near ready for publication, and I'm so glad for those rejections! Fast forward 10 years and about 14 other novels under my belt, and I revisited this first book. A lot of cringing going on, let me tell you. But it had good bones. I threw out much of the plot, keeping only a shadow of what the book used to be, and I created Balmorie, the brothers, cousins, and a new vision for the characters and the series. Now that this book is on the market . . . well, I'm tickled about it. :D It's finally the story it was meant to be. And I hope you love it as much as I do!